You pay for a home inspection to ensure the structure is sound… why not make sure the land the house sits on is sound as well? Protect your largest investment with the peace of mind knowing that your potential home is the product of sound planning.

Time and time again, unsuspecting home buyers purchase properties only to find out that nice wooded land or those rolling fields across the street will soon be a new housing complex, shopping mall, or mixed-use mega-project.

Don’t Let This Happen To You and Your Property!

Mary Sendek’s House in 1965, via LIFE Magazine

The Foggiest Idea Inc. offers detailed, practical, and professional analysis of neighborhoods and residential communities for serious prospective homebuyers. For more information, #GetaFoggyIdea and reach out to Richard Murdocco at

This service is geared towards serious homebuyers who are considering purchasing a residential property within Nassau or Suffolk Counties on Long Island. The land use analysis is a comprehensive study of both the property and community that includes:

  1. Detailed study of the property’s historic land use and development.
  2. Assessment of both local and regional development trends, and their potential impacts on the property.
  3. A report card of local public schools, and analysis of nearby neighborhood services.
  4. Detailed study of commute times and travel trends to and from commercial centers.
  5. Study of the as-of-right zoning of both the property, and surrounding community.
  6. … and much more!

A complimentary consultation on the report’s findings is included.

Prospective homebuyers on Long Island can get this reporting at the hyper-local level at an affordable fixed price. For a limited time, this service is available for $250.00. 

If you have questions, or want your property studied in-depth, email

Past Sample Studies:

Who is Richard Murdocco?
Richard Murdocco is a published real estate columnist whose analytical work appears regularly in multiple publications and in media stories on housing and development. You can learn more information on Murdocco’s work, experience, and approach to real estate by clicking here.

Murdocco has over 10 years worth of expertise studying development trends, analyzing community impacts, and conducting policy research. Murdocco has his BA from Fordham University in both Political Science and Urban Studies, and his MA from Stony Brook University in Public Policy, with a focus on regional, transportation and environmental planning. He has worked in government, non-profit and financial services sector.

All analysis is conducted from an urban planner’s unique point of view, and identically matches the in-depth analysis and planning services The Foggiest Idea offers to policymakers and civic organizations on large, regional-scale development projects.

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